Tuesday, 5 February 2019


-what does Ofcom do?

Ofcom is the regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. It regulates the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate.

-what does Ofcom deal with?

Ofcom regulates television, radio and video-on-demand sectors, fixed-line telecoms, mobiles and postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate.

-BBC fined £400,000 by Ofcom for deceiving viewers

The BBC has been fined £400,000 by the broadcasting watchdog for faking competition winners and deceiving viewers on a string of radio and flagship television programmes.

In your opinion, how does the extract attempt to represent a sense of "real life"?

In your answer you must:

  • Use media language to analyse the extract.
  • Use social and cultural context in order to link the clip to realism.
  • Write a conclusion in which you state how far you agree with the social realism attempted in the clip.

In the video they add sound effects so that the audience feel as if they are experiencing it for an example the police sirens they used the right sound instead of funny ones however they wanted to make it real also it was loud which feels like we are there with them.The crunch of the crisp was very realistic due to the sound effect they added which feels like we are there with them as it was very loud


-what does Ofcom do? Ofcom  is the regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. It regulates the TV and r...